Friday, 20 February 2015

Twins, Bake-Off and winter jumpers #little loves

Happy Friday everyone!

Wow, what a busy week we've had.  Half term has been jam packed for us.  Lots of play dates for Lucas and catching up with friends for me.  I also went to visit my cousin's twin girls for the first time.  They are only a couple of months old and are absolutely gorgeous.  I was completely bowled over by how amazing their mummy was with them.  I watched in awe as she saw to both of them and held them both at the same time.  Hats off to all you mummies of multiples.  While we were visiting it completely took me by surprise when Charlotte absolutely broke her heart crying when I held one of the babies.  I have never seen this kind of sob from her as she threw her arms out to me for a cuddle.  At 8 months old it didn't even cross my mind that this would bother her, I thought for sure she was too young, but obviously not.
Anyway, although its been a  great week I am quite glad that the weekends in sight, when hopefully the pace can slow down a bit.

But what else has made up my week...


I bought Jessica Alba's book, 'The Honest Life' a while ago, but have dipped back into it this week.  Its a lovely book, with some great photos, giving an insight to how she tries to provide a healthy, non-toxic lifestyle for her and her family.  It covers beauty, household cleaning, arts and crafts for kids, food etc.  I'm trying to be a bit healthier this year and her approach to healthy living not only being about food and exercise, but also thinking about what you use in your home, really interests me.  There's also a really handy list in the book called the 'Dirty Dozen', which is a list of fruit and veg to try and buy organic.  We couldn't afford to buy all organic, so this is quite nice to know which to prioritise if you want to buy some.


I have been loving the Great Comic Relief Bake Off.  I'm a fan of the normal series but the Comic Relief special is so much more fun.  I especially loved the celebs on this week's show - Abbey Clancy, Zoella, Jonathan Ross and Gok Wan.

When I'm watching the show it really makes me wish I was better in the kitchen.  I loved Abbey's rainbow cupcakes, they looked so pretty and super fun.  I might try giving them a go as I know Lucas would be amazed by them.  Jonathan Ross had me in stitches throughout the show, his profiteroles were hilarious!

(* Photo courtesy of the Great Comic Relief Bake Off Facebook page)


Maroon 5'S new song, Sugar.  I don't think the songs anything special, so I'm cheating here a bit, but I love the music video.  Its basically Maroon 5 driving round LA crashing weddings as wedding singers.  The happy couples' reactions when a white sheet falls to reveal the band at each wedding are amazing! The cynical part of me Googled the video after watching it to see whether it was real or not. It turns out the majority of them are in fact real weddings, but a couple were staged.  I think you can tell the genuine ones.  Have a look and see what you think.  The video made me smile anyway.


My mum's Carrot and Coriander soup.  This is a favourite in our house and is really quick and easy to make which is an added bonus.  It was such miserable weather when we woke up on Sunday morning.  A really grey, drizzly day when proper winter food like soup and crusty bread is all you crave, so I decided to make this for our lunch.  I don't think Lucas has twigged yet that there's carrots in it and as a little boy who's not the best at eating his veg that makes this lunch even better - a way of getting vitamins into him with no fuss.  The icing on the cake this weekend was that even Charlotte ate the soup!  I just substituted normal stock cubes for the low salt variety and it was transformed into a baby friendly meal and plenty left over to stock up the freezer.


Although we've had some nice bright, sunny days its definitely not quite Spring, so I've not said goodbye to the winter jumpers yet.  I love this cable knit one from Oasis which is so easy to throw on with some skinny jeans.

And lastly...

So what did you think about the big reveal on Eastenders last night?  Did you guess right?  I didn't have clue.  I haven't been a fan of Eastenders recently but I thought this weeks run of episodes have been done really cleverly.  I'm looking forward to watching the full live episode tonight.

Have a great weekend everyone.




  1. Goodness, twins! I do take my hat off to the mums and dads too. One at a time was plenty for me! :) Your jumper is gorgeous - I have a really similar one in pink! It's been so cosy this Winter and you are right - definitely too cold yet to be thinking of Spring things, much as I'd really love to be! Have a fab weekend lovely xx

    1. Aw thank you lovely! I know, I really can't wait for Spring, I wish it would hurry up :) Hope you have a lovely weekend xx

  2. Ooo that book looks like something I'd really like to read, I must add that to my Amazon wishlist :) I've been loving the Bake Off too, Jonathan Ross' profiteroles were amazing hahaha! xxxx #littleloves

    1. I would definitely recommend the book. Its one you can dip in and out of and is really interesting. Have a great weekend xx

  3. I'd guessed Jane but my husband did mention on Wednesday he thought it might be Bobby with Jane covering so he's feeling quite smug now.
    Lovely jumper xx

    1. Thanks lovely! Hope you and yours have a great weekend xx

  4. I don't watch Eastenders but the publicity even had me wondering who done it. Your jumper is lovely. I must be in the minority but I have taken my lighter clothes out of storage and worn a few of my summery bits (albeit with a t shirt underneath). Have a lovely weekend x

    1. Good for you getting your lighter clothes out. I really can't wait for Spring but its still pretty chilly up here in the North East of Scotland :( Have a great weekend xx

  5. Ooh I do love a cable knit, mine are always white/cream. I should shake that up a bit! Ooh yes the Bake Off is sooooo funny. Easy viewing. I love rainbow cake. Never made it myself but we had it for Lil G's birthday cake last year and everyone was amazed. Lovely round up and like you I am dreaming of spring! KA x

    1. Thank you :) Ooh I bet that was a fab birthday cake. Maybe I'll practice in secret and try one for Lucas's birthday in April as a surprise :) Have a lovely weekend xx

  6. Love those rainbow buns! I'm going to get a rainbow cake for Amelia's birthday I think! Fab jumper! I really enjoyed Eastenders this week too, although I'm not sure how I feel about the chosen killer! It was very well played out mind! Hope you have a great weekend xxx

    1. Ooh, I bet she would love that as a birthday cake. I know, I'm the same about the Eastenders killer, not sure where they can take the story now... Hope you're having a lovely weekend xx

  7. Love the sweater looks great on you. I need that book. I think Jessica Alba is amazing and so true to herself for sure in all that fame and fortune which is rare. Those cakes look delicious. Lovely #littleloves round as always.

    1. Aw thanks! The book is lovely, would recommend it :) Hope you're having a lovely weekend and MM's eye is getting better xx

  8. I've been eyeing up that book for a while and think I'll order it now, so thank you.

  9. Ooo I feel like I could do with Jessica Alba's book in my life and I am a huge fan of soup. Yours looks yum! :) I could never make rainbow buns look that good - they look so tricky!!!! Hope you had a lovely weekend! xx

    1. The books fab, nice to dip into. Don't think I could make rainbow cakes that look this good either but think I'll give it a shot :) We had a lovely weekend thank you. Hope you did too xx

  10. I've got carrot & coriander soup in the slow cooker for today! love the look of those rainbow cakes, we did my little girl a big rainbow cake for her fourth birthday party (rainbow party!) that book looks great, we're trying to be better with simpler foods, not splurging or wasting money on crap food. xx

    1. Ooh, its definitely a day for soup today isn't it, so cold!! I never thought about doing it in the slow cooker! Good idea :) xx

  11. I have the Jessica Alba book and also find it a great one for dipping into when I feel like a bit of healthy living inspiration! Definitely also a fan of those rainbow cupcakes, think I will try some next weekend :) ...and you can't beat a good home made soup. Yours looks yummy! Ours at the mo is ham and pea. Love a good nourishing soup on a grim winter day xx

  12. Thanks lovely! Oh your soup sounds nice. Hope you're having a good week xx

  13. I can't believe I missed the celebrity Bake Off, I kept forgetting when it was on, will have to look for it on catch up. xx

  14. I think its on a for a couple more weeks. I missed last nights episode cause I was watching the Brits :) xx
