Friday, 13 February 2015

Cupcakes, sunny days and my first award #littleloves

What a lovely week we've had.  After a few weeks of pretty miserable weather and feeling a bit down, this week surprised us with some gorgeous sunny days and would you believe it even some milder temperatures (14 degrees in February in Aberdeenshire!!!!).  I've just realised that I start this weekly round-up post each week with a weather update (sorry),but it really does seem to affect my week in one way or another.  This week for instance, what a difference a bit of sunshine made to my overall mood.  I've felt much happier and more motivated than I have for a while, which I'm fully embracing.

So enough about the weather,  what else have I been loving this week...


An email popped into my inbox this week which made me squeal with excitement. It was my 'Springtime Surprise Project' details from Capture by Lucy. I am so in love with the idea of this project which is basically just doing something nice for someone else.  You sign up to the project and are then matched with a postal partner to send a small gift to.  It could be anything you like - just something to brighten up the person's day, based on a few small details about the person you're given. The email this week was letting me know who I'd been partnered with along with a few snippets of information about the person to help you decide on their gift.  On Lucy's blog she describes it as a 'happy project' - such a simple idea but how ace is it.  I'm having so much fun coming up with what to get my person and am so excited to receive my Springtime Surprise too.  I'll keep you posted.


Without a doubt the best thing I've watched this week (and perhaps in a while on TV) has been The Secret Life of  4 year olds'.  I had this Sky plus'd ever since I saw the ad a few weeks ago and had been looking forward to it - it didn't disappoint.  What a hilarious and a fascinating insight into a group of four years olds' at nursery.  As a mum of a four year old I was so intrigued by it and the next day when I dropped Lucas off at his nursery, I must admit I looked at his class a bit differently and wondered who the Skyla, or Jessica or Christian of his class were.  If you didn't catch it I'd definitely recommend looking it up on 4 On Demand.


This week I have been loving 'Like I can' by Sam Smith.  Its been stuck in my head all week.  One of those that you find yourself singing while you're in the shower, doing the dishes, changing your baby's nappy, you get the idea.  I caught a clip of his acceptance speech from the Grammys on Good Morning Britain, which I thought was great.  He said something along the lines of how when he first started out he tried looking and sounding a certain way just to get people to like him and listen to his music, which he said was actually really bad music at the time.  It wasn't until he stopped and just started being himself that he was a success.


Lucas and I made chocolate cupcakes at the weekend.  He'd been asking to make some for a while, so on Sunday we decided we would while Charlotte had her nap.  But best laid plans and all that...Charlotte decided not to nap.  We ploughed on anyway, grumpy baby and all.  Charlotte was popped in her highchair and I kept everything crossed that she would stay amused long enough for us to make the cakes (she did, phew!).  They turned out really well and were pretty delicious (if I do say so myself).  Lucas was chief sprinkles shaker and really went to town!!  His proud little face when we'd finished making them was the best!


This week I dug out my trainers and workout clothes and went to my first exercise class since having Charlotte.  I've put off exercising for a while, using all the usual excuses, but this week I just felt much more motivated, as I mentioned earlier.  Once Charlotte and Lucas were in bed I dashed out to catch a pilates/ yoga mix class at my local sports centre and was surprised at how much I enjoyed myself, even though it was hardwork.  I had really bad stomach muscle separation when I was pregnant with Charlotte and so a physio advised me to start off with something like pilates to try and repair the damage.  My poor muscles didn't know what was happening to them at the class and I was definitely a bit achey for the next day or two.  I quite like that feeling though, when you know you've done something.  I've signed up for next week's class already.

And lastly...

This week I was nominated by the lovely Mummy G from The Giggles Family for a Liebster Award.  For those of you unfamiliar with this, its something passed on by bloggers to new blogs they think are worth a read.  I've only been doing my blog for a couple of months and am just fumbling my way through so this was such a lovely surprise.  Watch out for my Liebster award blog post including 11 random facts about me coming soon.

Have a great weekend everyone





  1. You have such a professional blog lovely, it's so hard to believe you've only been at it a few months! Your little man looks so proud of his baking - very sweet indeed! And well done on the exercise class - I'm so under motivated in that regard, you are really putting me to shame! :) Have a lovely weekend xx

    1. Aw thank you so much lovely, that's so nice of you. Hope you have a lovely weekend too x

  2. Well done on doing your exercise class. I have all the gear waiting for me to find the motivation to get active but I am still in winter hibernation mode! I'll have to check out the secret life of 4 year olds. My 4 year old is the funniest, quirkiest little creature, I'd love to know what makes her tick. x #littleloves

    1. You definitely have to check out 'The Secret life of 4 years old' , its so funny. Hope yu and yours have a lovely weekend xx

  3. I must catch The Secret Life of Four Year Olds - will no doubt nod at a few similarities with my four yr old daughter! Have a lovely weekend. #littleloves

    1. You really should. I laughed from start to finish of the programme. You have a lovely weekend too xx

  4. Well done you on the exercise. I have bought a new cross trainer it's supposed to be here tomorrow hoping that will kick start my 2015 routine and not just become a clothes hanger. lol Loving the cupcake making too! #littleloves

    1. Thanks lovely! Good luck with your cross trainer when it arrives :) Have a great weekend xx

  5. I'm taking part in the #SpringtimeSurpriseProject too and I can't wait! I just checked that I'm not paired up with you before writing this! Well done for going out and exercising - you'll see the difference quicker than you think! x

    1. The Springtime Surprise project is so exciting, isn't it! Thanks - I'm hoping I keep going with the exercise xx

  6. I agree with you totally about the weather, it definitely seems to have an impact on my mood. We too have had what feels like 'Spring Mornings' this week, i'm so ready for Winter to be over with now. I'm taking part in Lucy's #SpringtimeSurpriseProject too, such a wonderful idea and makes me feel good to be a part of something like this. Those chocolate cupcakes looks delicious! Have a lovely weekend xxx LittleLoves
    Love From Mummy - UK Parenting Lifestyle Blog

    1. Oh me too, can't wait for it to be Spring! The Springtime Surprise project is such a fab idea, isn't it. Have a great weekend xx

  7. Well done on the exercise class. I think making the first step is hard. I started back up with my fitness in November and am starting to feel the benefits! I've much more energy :-)

  8. Thanks lovely!I really want to keep up the exercise, I always feel so much better after. Have a great weekend xx

  9. Can't wait for the 11 facts!
    I too love that Sam Smith song. He has a really distinctive voice.
    I wish that warm spell was back! It really dropped again today...brrrr!

    Have a great weekend x

  10. I need to start thinking of them...
    I know, the weather today was so disappointing after such a lovely week :( fingers crosed today was just a blip :) Hope you have a lovely weekend xx

  11. Woo congratulations on your award! Those cakes look lovely, sounds like you had fun making them :) have a lovely weekend, I'm hoping the weather brightens up again too xx

  12. Thanks lovely! Hope you have a lovely weekend too xx

  13. I absolutely adore pilates and I had severe diastasis recti after my second son was born, it helped a lot! The cupcakes look amazing and now I am craving some myself! PS good luck with the award nomination :-)

    1. Oh that's good to know, gives me some hope :) Hope you're having a lovely weekend xx

  14. Well done on the excercise lovely! I'll be taking inspiration from you when I've had the baby!ive really enjoyed my ante-natal pilates so hope to continue after baby comes. Hope ye have a great weekend xxxx

  15. Aw thanks lovely, I can't believe I've waiting until Charlotte's 8 months, to get myself moving, but better late than never :) Hope you're having a lovely weekend xx

  16. Well done on the exercise class! :) I loved The Secret Life of Four Year Olds, I wish it was a series and not just a one off. I was saying I would pay for someone to install camera's in our little ones nursery to be able to watch how she interacts- I wish someone would start a service haha! ;)

    1. Thanks! I know, I'm disappointed its not a series too, its so interesting and had me in stitches :) xx

  17. Well Done on going for your first exercise class, I can't go at the minute and am really missing it.
    I signed up to the Springtime Project too, such a lovely idea! xx

    1. Thanks lovely! I'm so excited for the Springtime Project. Hope you're having a lovely week xx

  18. The Secret Life of Four Year Olds was fascinating wasn't it? I wish I had been a series rather than just a one off. Well done on your exercise class. Hope you are having a good week! xx

    1. So fascinating! I know, I wish it went on for longer. Thanks, so far my motivation hasn't dipped with the exercises classed, but I'm sure it will. Hope you're all having a lovely half term xx
