Friday, 20 March 2015

Flowers, Paper Kites and Tights #littleloves

Happy Friday!

Its been a couple of weeks since I last did my #littleloves and I've really missed it.  The last few weeks have been a bit chaotic and I've felt like I've just chased my tail and not been very productive  But this week has been better and I'm so happy to be back joining in with Morgana from But Why Mummy Why for my #littleloves.

It finally feels like Spring has sprung don't you think?  Its almost light when I'm getting up in the morning, there are Easter goodies everywhere which is so exciting and its be warm enough to even abandon the winter coat on a couple of days.  It felt even more like Spring on Tuesday when my #Springtime Surprise parcel arrived.  A gorgeously decorated box full of treasures.  I can't stop looking at all the pretty things and finding new homes for everything.
If you haven't heard of the Springtime Surprise Project go and check it out here where you can sign up for the next one.  I've already registered and can't wait - its so much fun!

So what else have I being loving this week...


I've been reading lots of information on making the transition from breastfeeding to bottle feeding.  I've really enjoyed breastfeeding Charlotte, especially has I didn't manage with Lucas, but it has also been hardwork.  Now that Charlotte's 9 months old, my back to work date is looming and I have a few nights away planned I felt the time was right to make the switch.  Charlotte however had other ideas and has so far literally been pushing the bottle away and spitting out any milk I have managed to get into her.  We've only been trying for a few days but boy is she digging her heels in and its left me feeling a bit stumped as to what to try next.  So I've been Googling away, messaging friends and posting on breastfeeding advice sites for suggestions on how to crack this.  Any advice/ tips are gratefully received.


The new series of One Born Every Minute.  I tortured myself watching this programme throughout both my pregnancies - intrigue got the better of me and I couldn't resist watching it each week (sometimes through my fingers).  I've been glued to it again now that its back on Channel 4, because this series is set in the Liverpool Women's Hospital.  We lived down in Merseyside when we had Lucas and although it wasn't this hospital I had him in, I did have a few antenatal appointments and some pre-natal yoga at the hospital, so watching this makes me feel all nostalgic.


The lady from the Nike Running App in my ear.  I have now done my first couple of runs in preparation for my 5K in June and love this app.  Its great at tracking your progress which keeps me motivated.  I really need this!

I have also been loving The Paper Kites and especially the track 'Bloom'.


We dug out some of Lucas' old baby toys for Charlotte this week, including a box of wooden building blocks.  I remember how much Lucas loved these when he was Charlotte's age, and it seems he still loves them.  Charlotte hardly gets a look in because Lucas has been busy building all kinds of creations, including this one which he was especially proud of -  a Zoo.


This week it has been something Charlotte wore that I loved.  These super cute tights from Marks and Spencers.  I absolutely love their kids Spring Summer range, especially the girls section which has a lot of bold primary colours.  A nice change from the usual pinks and pastels.  There is so much to choose from but I have definitely spotted a few favourites that I need to go and pick up for our Summer holiday.

And lastly

I was sent the most gorgeous bouquet of flowers last week from the lovely people at Bloom & Wild. You can check out my review here and there's also a 15% off discount code.  I love having flowers in the house and these were especially perfect as the name of the bouquet is the same as my little girl, 'The Charlotte'.

Hope you all have a great weekend and remember to come and say hi on my various social media channels and follow me on Bloglovin

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  1. Those tights are so sweet! Yay for spring too. And I hadn't heard of the Paper Kites but that song is really lovely. Off to check them out now! x

    1. Aren't they, I love them! Hope you have a lovely weekend xx

  2. Those tights are AMAZING!!!! I need them for MM so cute. Loving all the spring time surprise pressies. I think yours blows everyone's out of the water. Looks amazing. Lovely #littleloves

    1. They're ace, aren't they!Hope you have a lovely weekend xx

  3. Those tights are so adorable!! I am a sucker for One Born and I cry every week! Lovely round up of little loves this week xx

  4. Oh those tights are just so cute! Can't help with the breastfeeding dilemma I'm afraid as I didn't feed mine myself but I do hope you get sorted soon. Sounds like your little one knows she's onto a good thing and doesn't want you to go back to work. Have a great weekend! Ax

  5. Ahhh, the breast to bottle feeding issue. Eeek, I remember that all too well. I tried to switch my eldest to a bottle at 7 months when I went back to work. He point blanked refused. We tried so many different things and the only thing he would settle for is pumped milk, straight from the fridge, in a cup with no lid. Really, really odd, right? It did mean that we switched him straight to cow's milk in a cup when he was older but the amount of things we tried was crazy. Hope you can work it out without getting too stressed. I know it's not easy x

    1. Thanks! Think its going to be long process but hopefully we'll get there in the end. Have a lovely weekend xx

  6. Ah - love those tights! Don't talk to me about girls clothes though - I might well up!! We have got the exact same set of building bricks but I think I might have sent them to a charity shop recently as the box they were in broke and no one ever seemed to play with them any more. Your springtime package looks amazing - I read about this but I wasn't sure if I had the time or energy to participate. Maybe I will next time as I've enjoyed looking at what everyone else has given and received! Have a lovely weekend Xx #littleloves

  7. You should definitely join in next time, its been so much fun. Have a great weekend x

  8. The Markies range is fab! Definitely my favourite at the moment :) sorry to hear you still aren't having any luck with the bottle, I know you got some advice in the local group but sometimes persevering is all you can do x

    1. I know, I love Markies at the minute! Aw thank you - she's a stubborn little thing so a lot of persevering I think :) Hope you're having a great weekend xx

  9. The #springtimesurpriseproject has been so much fun, hasn't it?! I've already signed up for the summertime one too! Those little tights are super-sweet! There is something lovely about primary colours on girls... and blue and yellow are the cutest combo! Lovely to discover your blog through #littleloves

    1. I've really loved the Springtime Surprise Project - can't wait for the next one! Hope you're having a lovely weekend xx

  10. Ah I love the Paper Kites, they are not really known here, I use them for a lot of my videos I do, including that song. It's gorgeous. And I love those tights- such a nice colour combo! xx

    1. The Paper Kites are a new discovery for me, but I really like them. So many gorgeous things for kids in Marks and Spencers at the minute, I could have bought heaps :) Hope you're having a great weekend xx

  11. I look forward to the "summersurpriseproject". A little jealous that I missed the "springsurpriseproject". I really wish I could give you some breastfeed to bottle advice. I have several friends that are going through this and it is a hard process. I am sure it will work out but may be a few tears during the process. Best wishes. Love the the tights.

    1. Thanks lovely! You should get involved in the next surprise project, its so much fun! Hope you've had a nice weekend xx

  12. That Springtime project looks great...going to have a look at that now!love the tights- so cute! With breastfeeding transition I dropped a breastfeed everyweek or so and replaced with a Bottlefed. In the bottle was a mix of half expressed/half pre made formula. Each feed I would increase the formula and decrease the breastmilk. The premade formula is more like Breastmilk
    As it's UHT treated and sweeter. It's more expensive, but it's only for 3 months and she will be on cows milk by 12 months. I wrote a post on changing from breast to formula to cows milk last year xxx

    1. Thanks lovely, I'm away to have a look for your post. Hope you've had a great weekend xx

  13. Those tights are too cute!! And a lovely box of surprises that you got there :) I love One Born, it's great that they change hospitals too. Hope you've had a lovely weekend xx

    1. I was so lucky with my box of goodies, everything was gorgeous! Hope you've had a great weekend xx

  14. Such a gorgeous round up, those tights are just too cute. What a lovely springtime surprise parcel you got, I feel guilty now that mine wasn't anywhere near as fancy as yours. Have a lovely week! xx

  15. Thanks lovely! I was really spoiled with my springtime surprise parcel, it was amazing! I must try harder with the next surprise project :) Hope you're having a great week xx

  16. Oh my, how CUTE are those tights? I really do miss buying clothes like that now that my girls have grown. Cannot wait to buy for my new niece or nephew later on this year. Hope you're having a lovely week xx
