Friday, 23 January 2015

Perfume, maps and treasure #littleloves

Happy Friday lovelies,

I know everyone has been talking about the weather this week but wow has it been cold.  We're used to freezing cold, wintry weather up here in Aberdeenshire, but this week has been something else.  Yesterday it was still -7 at lunchtime and even my car had given up and decided it was too cold to move (its ok now, thankfully).

But at least its almost the weekend when for once we don't have any plans and its perfectly ok to stay in our jammies 'til lunchtime if we want, so it can get as cold as it likes.

To round of the week nicely I'm linking up with Morgana from 'But Why Mummy Why?' again for this week's #littleloves.  Be sure to head over to her blog to see what other bloggers have loved this week.

So what have been my #littleloves this week?...


Lucas got some new books for Christmas and a stand out favourite has been 'What the ladybird heard'. This is another of Julia Donaldson's creations, so before even reading it we were pretty much guaranteed it would be a hit with Lucas, as all her other stories have been.  I don't think there's been a day recently when Lucas hasn't brought this book to me to read. As you'd expect there is an infectious, rhyming story which Lucas had memorised by about the third read and he loves the illustrations, especially the map which he  dissects every time we read the story.


My husband Mark and I have been watching Babylon this week.  It's a short series we Sky +'d before Christmas and are only now getting round to watching.  The black comedy drama from Danny Boyle, starring James Nesbitt centres round the Metropolitan Police's PR department.  Its quite a strange mixture of a programme and not like anything else I've watched recently, but so far I really like it.  The acting is great, especially Brit Marling who plays Liz Garvey, the new Head of PR.


This week I have rediscovered one of my favourite perfumes.  Jo Malone's Silk Blossom Cologne.  It was a limited edition fragrance which I was given by some friends last summer as part of my 30th birthday present.  Its quite a fresh, light fragrance and so had been a bit forgotten about lately in favour of some of my more headier, winter fragrances.  But this week I've been all about looking forward to Spring (even though its currently snowing with us), so out this favourite came and I love it more than ever.


Not much to be honest as my car radio/cd player has packed in :(  I never realised how much I enjoy having the radio on in the background on even the shortest trips to nursery or the supermarket until I've had to do without it. We've been making do with a sing song in the car instead though.  Lucas has been belting out his favourite ever song - 'Treasure' by Bruno Mars - its the one song he always asks me to put on, every time we set foot in the car.  I love him pointing at Charlotte in the back of the car and singing, "You are my treasure, yeah you, you, you, you are..."

So just for Lucas, here it is...


How gorgeous are these initial pictures which were made for me as presents for newborn twin girls, by my very creative friend.  The initials are made of tiny paper hearts and stars which are in the prettiest pastel floral prints.  Shopping for baby presents is so lovely but it can be tricky trying to come up with something a bit different that they won't already have.  So I opted for something personalised and these are perfect little keepsakes.  To see more of my friends design's go to the L&L Facebook page.

And lastly...

As the weathers been so cold this week we decided to cheer ourselves up by researching summer holidays.  I can't wait to get something booked and start looking forward to it.  I mentioned in my New Years post that this is the last summer before Lucas starts school and we're able to take advantage of going away during term time (fingers crossed for some better deals).
I'd love to hear your recommendations of family holidays you've been on.  Have you been to a particular country or resort that was good for young families or is there a holiday operator or airline you think are great when it comes to kids?

Have a great weekend!




  1. We love Juila Donaldson in this house too! Her books are always guaranteed to be winners! It's freezing here too in S.Ireland, although I don't think it's hit -7 in the day time yet! Great perfume choice! Likewise I'm really looking forward to Spring!
    We went to Vilamoura in Portugal last May, it was only a 2 hr flight, the airport was 20 mins for our resort! It was perfect. The weather was great, not too hot for little people. I'm very jealous you are planning a holiday! We won't be going away this year! Have a lovely weekend xxx

    1. Oh thanks! I'll have a wee look at Vilamoura. Hope you have a lovely weekend too x

  2. Oh those pictures are so beautiful! I love anything with letters on it! We are obsessed with What the Ladybird Heard over here too. Julia Donaldson's writing is just so captivating, isn't it?

    1. 'Captivating' is the perfect word to describe her stories! I think we have them all and there's not one we don't love. x

  3. Huge Julia Donaldson fan here and we love this book, especially trying to find the ladybird on every page! The pictures are gorgeous! x

    1. Finding the ladybirds is such a cute little extra to the story, isn't it :) x

  4. We love What the Ladybird Heard here too.
    As for family holidays, we're fans of the Canary Islands. Might be a bit boring but we find they are perfect for children x

    1. I totally agree about the Canary Islands. We took Lucas to Lanzarote when he was months old and it was fantastic. xx

  5. We LOVE Julia Donaldson books and 'What The Ladybird Heard' is one of our favourites. 'Room On The Broom' is a great read too. I don't know how you manage with those sorts of temperatures, it was -4 on the preschool run this morning and that was too cold for me! I need sunshine and warmth lol! Those prints are so pretty, that's one talented friend you have there. Have a lovely weekend xxx #LittleLoves
    Love From Mummy - UK Parenting Lifestyle Blog

    1. Room on the Broom is another favourite of ours too. Lucas was so excited to watch the TV/film version of it that was on over Xmas. Hope you have a lovely weekend too xx

  6. Those pictures are beautiful! x

  7. The pictures are lovely.I remember spending months filling a canvas with little hearts I'd punched out, then one evening Belle picked some off. I could have wept! Devon is a great base for a family holiday. We're stuck to term times and it sure does bump up the prices! x #littleloves

  8. Another Julia Donaldson fan here...I don't have kids yet, but really enjoy reading her books to the kids at school. Those pictures are so cute! Hope you find a lovely place to go on holiday :) xx

  9. What the Ladybird Heard is one of my favourites, never mind the toddlers! It has been exceptionally cold up here - yesterday especially was something else. I have liked your friends page - I think it will make a lovely baby gift for my expectant chums and I can leave a big hint or two when it's my turn!

    1. I know, can't believe just how cold its been this week. We've had more snow this morning :(
      Aw great - they are lovely as little gifts xx

  10. What a lovely post and I am so pleased to have found your blog. My little boy is 3.5years and is absolutely loving the same book. There is another in this collection and he likes that one too. It's about a rabbit. Your little boy sounds oh so cute. I hope you manage to find a deal and have a lovely weekend. #LittleLoves

    1. Aw thank you so much, what a lovely comment. Oh don't think we've seen one about a rabbit. What's it called? Hope you have a lovely weekend xx

  11. I'm really dreaming of Spring and holidays too! Unfortunately my eldest started school in September so we're restricted by the massive price rise! We did have a lovely holiday staying at Court Farm in Bude, Cornwall a couple of years ago - really child friendly accommodation. Great #littleloves (and lovely photos!) X

  12. Thanks!The price hike is crazy has soon as its during school hols, isn't it. Thanks for the recommendation. Hope you're having a lovely weekend. xx

  13. Those initial letters are gorgeous! Your friend is very talented indeed!

    It was freezing last week, wasn't it. Not that this week is up to much. Snow today...brrrr!

    1. I know! Can't wait to the snowy, cold weather to be over! x

  14. What a gorgeous little loves post. So sorry I'm so late in commenting, will be better next week, promise!
    What the Ladybird Heard is a big favourite in our house too, and is one of those books I don't mind having to read over and over again ;-)
    Hope the holiday planning is going well xx

  15. Thanks! There are definitely certain stories I dread my little one asking to have as their bedtime story, but this ones lovely. x
