My other #littleloves getting me through the last week of January have been...
'Capture by Lucy'. A blog I've only just discovered this week, when I stumbled across a post of her's called 'Real Life Vs Insta Life'. Its such a clever post showing a comparison of real life pics and the ones that appears on Instagram. It really made me smile and was a refreshing reminder that what we see on Instagram is only one part of life. The part that person chooses to show the world. If you haven't read it I'd really recommend a nosey. Her blog is also full of fantastic photography which is also definitely worth a look.
Modern Family. This might actually be my favourite show. Its such an easy watch and is fast replacing what Friends was to me. That programme that is familiar and comforting and is guaranteed to draw a smile, no matter how many times you watch each episode. I don't think I could pick a favourite character, they are all written and acted so brilliantly, but Mark's is 100% Phil Dunphy. His one liners are hilarious and I kind of love the fact that Mark would be only to glad to turn into him one day. Its one of few programmes that Mark and I often sit down and watch together and laugh out loud to.
This week I've managed to ditch the changing bag a few times in favour of one of my own bags and its felt great. Granted its been on short trips to the shops, etc when I'm pretty sure I won't need anything for Charlotte, but its amazing how not having a bulging changing bag hanging off you can make you feel a bit more like you.
I love this bag from Fossil. Its a classic design which won't date and is just the right size. Enough space for everything I need without it being too big and there being the temptation to over pack.
Not something I've loved about this week but probably the thing I've heard the most, has been coughs and sneezes. Both Lucas and Charlotte have been coughing and sneezing all week, the poor wee toots. I saw on BBC weather that we were due for another big dump of snow in the next few days so I made a dash to our local Tesco to stock up on Calcough, snuffle babe and plenty soft tissues. Needless to say our house smells very Eucalyptus'ee ( not sure that's a word, but you know what I mean) at the minute. I will be so glad when cold and flu season is over.
Lucas has been making lots of towers out of Charlotte's stacking blocks. He has a whole room full of his own toys but loves playing with Charlotte's ones and getting her involved. Its lovely to watch the two of them together now that she's getting older and is sitting up and able to play a bit. I've had to stop myself laughing though when Lucas gets half way through building a tower and Charlotte knocks it over. She screeches with delight, while he huffs with frustration and starts the process all over again. He's nothing if not determined.
And lastly...
Thank you for all the lovely comments people have left me on various posts this week. I'm still fairly new to this whole blogging thing, so I really appreciate how lovely so many of you have been.
Don't forget you can also find me on
Hope you all have a great weekend. I'm hoping ours is much less eventful than last weekend.